I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you are amazing girl! Today I am sharing some encouragement for all the ladies out there, including myself.

Ladies, It is time for us to wake up! We are worth so much more than we let on to. It is time for us to believe in ourselves. It’s time for us to love ourselves. How can we expect someone else to love and respect us if we don’t first do it ourselves?
There is no man that can fulfill you
There is no man out there that will ever complete you. Honestly, you don’t need a man. A man is an accessory to you. He adds value to you and vice versa. If you are with someone who is subtracting from you and not adding back, then reconsider. If you are married to that person, set boundaries for what you will accept and what you won’t. Boundaries are healthy in any relationship, but that is another story for another time.

Fall in love with yourself first
Fall in love with yourself before you allow any man into your life. When you fall in love with yourself, you won’t allow another man to demean you or treat you less than what you deserve. He will rise up to that or he won’t then it’s your decision on whether or not you will accept that.
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If you aren’t married have the courage to walk away. Don’t stay in a relationship with someone who doesn’t value your opinions, thoughts, feeling, emotions, or you. You deserve to be treated with love, kindness, gentleness, and care. You become this person and then find the person who does the same back to you.
Their are so many good men out there
There are so many, so so many men out there, good ones too, heck even great ones, who will love and accept you, honor you and esteem you and you being the jewel that you are will do the same for him. Stop settling for less than, for mediocre, for the ‘he’s mostly kind to me/treats me right guys.’
You are all of these and more:
- Beautiful inside and out.
- Worth more than rubies.
- Precious in the sight of God.
- Strong and brave.
- Courageous
- Kind
- Caring
- Lovable
- and so much more!
The right man will work hard for you
Remember girl, in the bible Jacob worked for Rachel for 7 years, then when he didn’t get her after that he worked 7 more. Was she more amazing than you? No. You are amazing, don’t ever let anyone tell you that you are less than that. You deserve the best and the one man that will rise up to that challenge will be worth all of the waiting. You just wait and see.
I hope this encourages you today and that it gives you the push to begin a journey to self love and belief in yourself.